Your Loved Ones and Ancestral Guides Are Ready To Connect

Do These Scenarios Resonate With Your Spirit?

What healing steps are necessary to see a flourishing connection in my next relationship?

What is the purpose of my soul in the world? How do I fulfill it?                                      

What obstacles stand in the way of career elevation for me? How do I move forward?

Become Empowered By Our Vision

We desire to bring you encouragement and healing through messages of empowerment.

Enabling you to embrace your own inner spark, feel ignited, and learn to trust your path are passions we bring to light. We help you ask and invoke your guides in a way that allows you to build a deep bond with the divine.

By becoming more in tune with your higher self, you will be able to reconnect with loved ones and receive gracious advice from your guides.


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Biddy Certification-2

here's how we can work together!

Mediumship / Intuitive Guidance

These are live sessions that are guided by the Divine.

Our mediumship services prove to offer an incredible healing experience. As you feel the warm spirit of your loved ones that have crossed over, their continued support resonates in your soul.

Moreover, intuitive guidance delivers clarity on the most significant areas of your life regarding family, career, love, and soul purpose. Our guidance will help you move forward with undeniable strength and unwavering confidence.

Tarot Reading

Tarot is a tool that can be utilized to tap into the subconscious, providing insight and guidance. Both tarot and oracle cards will be utilized for these question-focused readings. As a professional medium, I home in on my meditation skills and use the decks best suited for your question(s).

Invest in these intentional readings to shed light on the situation and bring clarity to your life. 

Angel Card Reading

During these readings, the focus is on connecting to your guardian angels, archangels, and relaying their messages. Within these messages is guidance and advice that will help you heal, gain clarity, and move forward.

Included in the angel card readings are the names of your guardian angels, a crystal recommendation, and violet flame healing with channeled affirmations.

Take The First Step Towards An Eye-Opening Connection

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Our live readings are completed via zoom. A link is automatically created with your purchase and included in the receipt for your convenience.


We desire to conduct every session in a way that makes you feel the most comfortable. If you would prefer to receive our intuitive guidance through a different communication method such as FaceTime or phone, please indicate this when booking your personal reading.


Every reading is recorded after the question(s) are submitted, allowing you to watch the private recording at your convenience. This way, you can continue to listen and meditate on the spiritual guidance you receive. Immerse yourself in a life-changing experience.

Wonderful Words From Kind Clients